Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO User ManualI
Boldface indicates a parameter, menu or sub-menu name.
accent keys 43
accessories, USB 30
about 6
ASync profile 55, 98
backing up data 56
backup 85
Bluetooth connection 55
connection problems 121
copying files 79, 83–84
Ethernet connection 54
guest connection 52
infrared connection 54
installing 122
partnership 53
RS-232 serial connection 53
synchronizing files 79, 86–88
troubleshooting 128
Add Files Page, Total Recall 68
Advanced tab, Power Properties 26
alt-tap defined 15
ASCII characters 41
ASync profile See ActiveSync
Authenticate, Bluetooth Controls 99
AutoRestore Profile Settings 67
backing up data through ActiveSync 56
backlight properties 58
batteries 18
battery, caring for 7
restoring files 57
to a PC 56
to multimedia cards 56
with ActiveSync 85
backup/restore, Total Recall 66
backup 18
backup, caring for 7
calibration 21
changing main battery 17
charging times 121
fitting 16
internal backup 18, 20
life 121
Power Properties 19
safety xiii, xiv
Schemes 22
status 20, 21
baud rate, modems 113
ActiveSync connection 55
radio Address 97
Bluetooth Controls, dialogue box 96
Bluetooth Device Properties 96
Bluetooth radio
Address 97
changing device name 102
device service profiles 98
ISM band 95
PINs for devices 99
radio configuration 96–102
brightness control 42, 58
browsing folders 63
BSP, Bluetooth Controls 101
battery 21
screen 15
cancelling a transfer 54, 55
capitalized characters 42
inserting CF 28
inserting MMC/SD 27
inserting PCMCIA 29
removing CF 28
removing MMC
SD 27
removing PCMCIA 29
type of 27