
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Performing A Hard Reset
Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO User Manual
2.9.2 Performing A Hard Reset
To perform a hard reset:
Remove all batteries and AC power.
Once the main battery or AC power is applied, the NETBOOK PRO
will reboot.
1. When performing a hard reset, ensure that the backup batteries are
removed before the main battery, and replaced last, to avoid unneces-
sarily draining them.
2. Hard resetting the NETBOOK PRO may delete the ActiveSync
partnership on the NETBOOK PRO. If that occurs, you may delete
and re-create the partnership on the PC, or create another partner-
ship with a new name. Refer to ActiveSync’s online help for more
detail on this operation.
2.10 First Steps
When you first switch on the NETBOOK PRO, you will see the Windows CE .NET
desktop. At this time it is a good idea to set the date and time. To do this:
1. Press the Start button. Select Settings, Control Panel. The Windows
Control Panel opens.
2. Double-tap on Date/Time Properties. The Date/Time Properties
dialogue appears.
3. Set the desired date and time values.
4. Click the OK button in the Date/Time Properties dialogue to close and
save your changes.
Note: You can also double tap the time indication in the taskbar to open the
Date/Time Properties dialogue.