Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO Win CE 4.2 User Manual 17
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Power Properties
the charge will last during day-to-day use. An indicator beside the estimate of
remaining charge in the main battery displays either ‘Not calibrated’, ‘Calibrating’,
or nothing:
• When the Battery tab of the Power Properties dialog displays the ‘Not cali-
brated’ message, the NETBOOK PRO has not yet calibrated the battery.
• When it displays the ‘Calibrating’ message, the NETBOOK PRO is setting
up its battery calibration. To do this, it tracks the performance of the battery
through a complete discharge and charge cycle.
The percentage capacity estimate of the battery is not very accurate in the 'Not cali-
brated' state, somewhat more accurate in the 'Calibrating' state, and should be very
accurate once the battery has been calibrated.
Note: Psion Teklogix recommends that the battery be fully charged when first
used, then fully discharged before being charged again.
When the battery is calibrated, the ‘Calibrating’ indication vanishes. Once the
battery is calibrated, the NETBOOK PRO continues to refine its estimate every time
it sees a full charge or discharge cycle. The battery-charge indication is thus adjusted
for ageing battery packs.
A calibration cycle will abort if the AC power state is changed (if the power cable is
plugged in or removed). Calibration during charging can also abort if the unit gets
too hot.
The ‘Not calibrated’ indicator will reappear, and calibration of the gauge is lost, if
any of these four conditions occur:
• The unit automatically shuts off due to low battery, when the capacity esti-
mate is greater than 6%.
• Battery charging ceases (charge current less than 100mA) and the capacity
estimate is less than 94%.
• Capacity estimate reaches 0% and unit continues to run for more than 15
• Capacity estimate reaches 100% and unit continues to charge with charge
current greater than 100mA for more than 15 minutes.