
Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO Win CE 4.2 User Manual iii
Chapter 4: Files, Folders, and Programs
4.1 Introduction................................49
4.2 Moving Around . .............................49
4.3 Opening Files, Folders And Programs..................49
4.4 Closing Programs/Files..........................50
4.5 Creating New Folders...........................50
4.5.1 Creating New Files........................51
4.6 Start Menu - Documents.........................51
4.7 Changing File Attributes.........................51
4.8 Managing Folders.............................52
4.9 Memory-Card Folders ..........................53
4.10 The Flash Folder.............................54
4.11 Checking System Memory Use......................55
4.11.1 What Happens When System Memory Is Full?.........55
4.11.2 Additional Memory And Programs...............55
4.12 The Storage Manager...........................56
4.12.1 Formatting A Memory Card...................56
4.12.2 Creating Partitions........................57
4.12.3 Partition Management......................59
Chapter 5: Using The PC Connection
5.1 Introduction................................65
5.2 Using ActiveSync.............................65
5.3 Getting Help................................66
5.3.1 Where Can I Find More Help?..................66
5.3.2 Tips On Using ActiveSync Help.................66
5.4 Working With Your Files.........................67
5.4.1 Looking At Files On Your NETBOOK PRO..........67
5.4.2 Copying A File Using Drag And Drop..............67
5.4.3 Copying A File Using Copy And Paste.............68
5.4.4 Opening NETBOOK PRO Files From Your PC.........69
5.5 Backing Up Your NETBOOK PRO With ActiveSync..........69
5.5.1 Performing Your First Backup..................69