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Your RadioShack CB/Ham Field-Strength SWR Meter helps
you tune your CB or amateur radio system for the best per-
CB and amateur radio systems work best when the antenna
system’s impedance matches the transmitter’s output im-
pedance as closely as possible. The meter’s standing wave
ratio (SWR) function helps you trim your antenna to the pre-
cise length you need for the maximum transmitted power.
The meter’s field strength function helps you position your
antenna for the best coverage and determine the effective-
ness of changes you make to your antenna, antenna cable,
and transmitter.
Carefully read all of these instructions to get the best use
from this meter.
You can use this meter to make measurements
on equipment that uses high voltages. Carefully observe all
safety precautions provided with the equipment you are test-
You need a separate 50-ohm coaxial cable (such as
RG-58U) with a PL-259 connector connected to both ends
(such as Cat. No. 278-968, not supplied), long enough to
reach from your radio’s antenna jack to the back of the
21-533.fm Page 2 Thursday, August 5, 1999 3:47 PM