Interpreting SWR Readings
An ideal SWR reading is 1.0, but this reading is usually possi-
ble only under laboratory conditions or with a dummy load. Ac-
tual antenna installations have higher readings. The in-
formation below will help you interpret the readings you get.
SWR Efficiency Interpretation
1.0 to 1.5 Excellent The antenna cable and the
antenna length match the
transmitter’s output require-
ments almost perfectly.
1.5 to 2.0 Very good The antenna, the cable, and
the transmitter operate very
2.0 to 3.0 Acceptable The antenna, the cable, and
the transmitter operate with
some loss. If possible, adjust
your antenna or antenna
mounting system to improve.
Above 3.0 Inefficient Adjust your antenna or
antenna mounting system to
improve efficiency.
21-533.fm Page 8 Thursday, August 5, 1999 3:47 PM