Understanding Your Scanner's Modes
FFF=Fleet ID
SS=Subfleet ID
Type I systems are usually
organized with different user
groups assigned to different fleets.
To properly map the raw Type I
data to the correct fleet-subfleet
format, you must program the
correct fleet map into the scanner.
Fleet map information is widely
available on the Internet for most
Type I systems in use.
Type II system talk groups are
identified by a 5-digit number.
Valid talk group IDs are divisible
by 16. If you try to enter an invalid
talk group ID, the scanner rounds
the ID down to the next valid ID.
Type I/II hybrid systems use both
fleet-subfleet and 5-digit formats
for talk group IDs.
You can set your scanner so it
decodes the talk group IDs used
with EDACS (GE/Ericsson)
trunking systems. This setting is
called the EDACS mode.
EDACS systems are trunking
systems used primarily by
business or private
communications serviceproviders,
as well as by some public safety
organizations. EDACS systems
transmit active talk group
information only on a dedicated
control channel.
EDACS frequencies are organized
in a specific order. Each frequency
Motorola Mode
• For example, a
valid fleet-subfleet
ID identifying all
detectives within a
police department
might be 000—12,
where 000
identifies all police
users and 12
identifies the
Detective division.
• If the scanner
decodes control
channeldata while
from a Motorola
trunking system,
CNTRL appears on
the bottom line of
the display.