A General Guide to Frequencies
receiver. These operating
frequencies might interfere with
transmissions on the same
frequencies. If you program one of
these frequencies, you hear only
noise on that frequency. If the
interference is not severe, you
clockwise to omit the birdie.
The scanner’s birdie frequencies
(in MHz) are::
To find the birdies in your scanner,
begin by disconnecting the
UHF Low Band (MHz)
408.0000 420.7500 433.5000
446.2500 459.0000 471.7500
482.30625 484.5000 497.2500
VHF High Band (MHz)
114.7500 116.7375 119.8125
121.1250 123.9750 124.2000
125.9500 126.8250 126.9000
126.9750 127.0500 127.5000
129.0250 129.1500 132.1000
134.7625 135.6750 137.7000
140.2500 140.3850 146.0050
VHF Low Band (MHz)
25.5000 38.2500 41.8900
UHF High Band (MHz)
812.7000 816.0750 852.96875
867.20625 930.64375 1246.1750
1246.2500 1268.7750 1246.2500