Here’s an example. There is a high threshold set with a value of 70, a trigger of 3, and a rearm
of 55. A new value is generated every minute. The first reported value is 65, which is less than
our high threshold of 70, so no action is taken. The next poll is 72. This is above 70, so the
trigger is checked. As this is the first time the threshold was exceeded, a trigger counter is
started, but no further action is taken. The next two polls are 75 and 73, respectively. As each
poll is over 70, the triggers are checked and the last poll satisfies the trigger requirements. At
this point an event is generated.
The next reported value is 78. Since an event has been generated, and the reported values have
not fallen below the rearm value of 55, no action is taken. Eventually, the reported value is 53.
This is below the rearm value, so the threshold is active again. The next time the reported value
exceeds 70 three times in a row, another event will be generated.
Here is a graphical representation of this example. An event would be generated at minute 4 (3
reported values over 70) and rearmed at minute 6.
SNMP Performance Metric Thresholds
These values apply to data gathered through SNMP polling. The event associated with an SNMP
value violating a threshold is “High Threshold Exceeded” for a High threshold type, and “Low
Threshold Exceeded” for a low threshold type.
These thresholds are the default values, but are user-customizable.
Raritan is continually adding SNMP data collection definitions for new devices. As new devices
are configured, appropriate thresholds will be added as well. If you have equipment for which
you would like to have data collections defined or thresholds configured, please contact Raritan
support at