• SSO – Single Sign-On. With Single Sign-on (SSO) access to CC-SG targets, CC-NOC users
can connect to targets seamlessly, without having to sign onto CC-SG as long as remote
authentication has been configured.
• System Vulnerabilities – unpatched systems, older known vulnerable server daemons on
your system that can be exploited by harmful network traffic.
• TAP – (Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol) A standard protocol enabling modems to send text
messages to pager systems. The CC-NOC can use TAP services to send notifications as text
messages to pagers.
• Users – a CC-NOC has these three types of users:
Administrators who have configuration access to the machine.
Users who have access to everything on a CC-NOC except administrative configuration.
Executive Users who have read-only access to only a few key reports that show the network
health at a high level.
• Views – the combination of categories, for example, Database Servers, Routers, Email
Servers, and Network Interfaces that users will see when logging into a CC-NOC. Views are
customizable and provide a way to map users to the categories that they are most interested in.
• Vulnerability Scan – the CC-NOC can be configured to scan for vulnerabilities, for example,
unpatched systems and older known vulnerable server daemons within a network. Harmful
traffic can be exploited by intruders to gain access to restricted information, can alter the flow
of data through your network, or even disable important services on your network.
Vulnerability scanning provides this type of information about your network
devicesdetection and diagnosis of vulnerabilities, deep detection of all open ports and
services, and logging of all available information that may benefit intruders. Scanning for
vulnerabilities assists administrators in resolving security concerns. For example, an
administrator may decide to apply patches and software updates to fix known security holes,
shut down unwanted or unnecessary services, remove access to sensitive information in your
network, or change security settings and passwords to make them more difficult to crack. For
more information on vulnerabilities, including CVE entries, go to
• WMI – (Windows Management Instrumentation) WMI, also known as WBEM, is
Microsoft’s technology for providing a consistent systems management interface to their