Operation Theory
Step 1
First press one of these five
component buttons to tell remote
which component you want to
control. You can program each of
these buttons to control your brand of
Step 2
Then press ON/OFF button to turn on
that component.
Note: The TV and some other components
will automatically turnon when you press the
component button in step 1. Press this button
to turn the component off.
Step 3
These function buttons can now be
used to control the basic functions of
the component you selected in step 1.
To control a different component, first
press its component button (VCR1,
VCR2, CABLE, AUDIO, or TV), and
then press the desired function button.
Note: Not all components have functions
that can be controlled by these buttons, but
you can experiment with your particular
models to discover exactly which buttons will
control it.
* The TV button automatically controls your TV - no additional
programming is required. Details for programming the VCR1 and
VCR2 buttons to control other brands of VCR's are on page 40.
Details for programming the AUDIO button to control audio
equipment are on page 44. Details for programming the CABLE
button to control cable boxes are on page 35.