Sending Scan Files by E-mail
Specifying Sender
This section explains how to specify the e-mail sender.
To send e-mails, you must specify the name of the sender.
You can specify the e-mail sender by any of the following methods:
• Select a sender registered to a Quick Dial key
• Select a sender from the machine's address book list
• Enter the registration number of a sender who is registered in the machine's
address book
• Search by name for a sender in the machine's address book
• Search by e-mail address for a sender in the machine's address book
❒ Senders must be registered in advance under [System Settings]. For details, see
General Settings Guide.
❒ In [System Settings], you can specify the administrator’s e-mail address as the
default sender name. This lets you send e-mails without entering anything for
[Sender's Name].
❒ Depending on the security setting, the logged-on user may be specified as
[Sender's Name].
❒ When a protection code has been set, a screen for entering the protection code
appears after selecting the sender. Enter the protection code, and then press
{OK}. If the protection code you entered is correct, the sender name is dis-