
Messages Causes Solutions
"Memory is full. Scanning
has been cancelled. Press
[Send] to send the scanned
data, or press [Cancel] to
Because there is not enough
free hard disk space in the
machine for delivering or
sending by e-mail while
storing in the Document
Server, only some of the
pages could be scanned.
Specify whether to use the data or not.
When data transmission fails
Messages Causes Solutions
"Authentication with the
destination has failed. Check
settings. To check the current
status, press [Scanned Files
The entered user name or
password was invalid.
Check that the user name and
password are correct.
Check that the ID and password
for the destination folder are
A password of 128 or more
characters may not be
"Exceeded max. E-mail size.
Sending E-mail has been
cancelled. Check [Max. E-
mail Size] in Scanner
The file size per page has
reached the maximum e-
mail size specified in
[Scanner Features].
Change the scanner features settings
as follows:
Increase the e-mail size limit in
[Max. E-mail Size].
Change the [Divide & Send E-
mail] setting to [Yes (per Page)] or
[Yes (per Max. Size)]. For details
about these settings, see "Send
Settings", Scan.
"Sending the data has
failed. The data will be
resent later."
A network error has
occurred and a file was not
sent correctly.
Wait until sending is retried
automatically after the preset interval. If
sending fails again, contact your
10. Troubleshooting