16 www.seektech.com Ridge Tool Company Elyria, Ohio U.S.A
SeekTech SR-60
Measuring Depth (Line Tracing Modes)
The SR-60 calculates Measured Depth by comparing
the strength of the signal at the lower antenna to that
at the upper antenna.
Measured Depth
is measured correctly in an
undistorted field when the bottom antenna is touching
the ground directly above the signal source and the
antenna mast is vertical.
1. To measure depth, place the locator on the
ground, directly above the Sonde or the line.
2. Measured Depth will be shown in the lower
left hand corner.
3. Measured Depth will be accurate only if the
signal is undistorted and the antenna mast is
held vertical.
Testing for the consistency of the Measured Depth
reading can be done by raising the SR-60 a known
distance (say, 12 inches (33 cm)) and observing
whether the Measured Depth indicator increases by
the same amount. Small variation is acceptable, but if
the Measured Depth does not change, or changes
drastically, it is an indication of a “distorted” field, or
very low current on the line.
Push-Button Depth
Holding the Select Key will display a short count-
down followed by a calculated depth report. This
“Pushbutton Depth”, calculated on more signal
samples, will be more precise than the running Depth
Push-button Depth will generate a brief count-down
screen followed by a calculation screen, which
changes to a depth report screen when the
calculation is complete.
Figure 24: Push-Button Depth Report
Depth Warnings
NOTE: Exposing the utility is the only way to
verify its existence, location, and depth.
Certain conditions make depth readings less precise
or less reliable. When using Pushbutton Depth, a
warning will appear when these conditions occur:
Motion of the SR-60 during
Depth is varying greatly
Signal Strength is varying
Extreme offset between
guidance line and tracing
line (right or left).
Clipping (Signal too high).
Averaged depth will be
Distortion level too high to
read depth accurately