4 www.seektech.com Ridge Tool Company Elyria, Ohio U.S.A
SeekTech SR-60
Important Notice
The SR-60 is a diagnostic tool that senses
electromagnetic fields emitted by objects
underground. It is meant to aide the user in locating
these objects by recognizing characteristics of the
field lines and displaying them on the screen. As
electromagnetic field lines can be distorted and
interfered with, it is important to verify the location
of underground objects before digging.
Several utilities may be underground in the
same area. Be sure to follow local guidelines
and one-call service procedures.
Exposing the utility is the only way to verify its
existence, location, and depth.
Ridge Tool Co., its affiliates and suppliers, will
not be liable for any injury or any direct,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages
sustained or incurred by reason of the use of
the SR-60.
In any correspondence, please give all the
information shown on the nameplate of your locator
including model number and serial number.
Important Notice
Always insert and connect the earth grounding rods
before turning on the transmitter. Never pull out an
earth grounding rod as long as the generator is
switched on! Never pull the earth grounding rod or
disconnect the ground lead if the other lead is
connected to a utility.