
OFF image is displayed. This allows buttons to highlight as the mouse cursor moves over
Rollover Events
Use either of the following keywords in the events row to setup a rollover region:
Relor – you define a rectangular rollover region using this format:
o relor:x:y:width:height:enable_rollover:on_bitmap:off_bitmap:x_origin:y_
o x:y - represents the starting position, where 0,0 is in the upper left
o width, height: width and height of the touch area in pixels
o enable_rollover: 1 to enable rollovers, 0 to disable rollovers
o on_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is
within the defined region
o off_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is not
within the defined region.
o x_origin,y_origin: rollover origin - the starting coordinates for the
rollover image. Set to -1, -1 to keep the default origin (same as the touch
Reloc – you define a circular rollover region using this format:
o reloc:x:y:radius:enable_rollover:on_bitmap:off_bitmap:x_origin:y_origin
o x, y: center of the touch area
o radius: radius of the touch area in pixels
o enable_rollover: 1 to enable rollovers, 0 to disable rollovers
o on_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is
within the defined region
o off_bitmap: bitmap image name. Bitmap displayed when the mouse is not
within the defined region.
o x_origin,y_origin: rollover origin - the coordinates for the center of the
rollover image. Set to -1, -1 to keep the default origin (same as the touch
Example 4: rectangular rollover region
This is an example of what you would enter in the CSV file to define a rollover region. In
this example:
Starting x and y
Width and Height
On and Off image
Rollover Enabled
Rollover origin