
speed with BrightSign by placing a file on it, and using the shell “readperf” command
(see the BrightSign User Guide on shell instructions).
BrightSign Compatibility
BrightSign is compatible with most CF cards, but may not be 100% compatible with
every model. Although there are standards for CF card interfaces, most chips are slightly
different. We have tested with a large number of chips, and at this point have high
compatibility. Earlier BrightSigns were less compatible, and if you have one of these you
may want to upgrade your software. See the BrightSign user guide for a discussion of
the two ROMs in a BrightSign (boot vs. run mode), and the upgrade and CF card
compatibility issues with each ROM.
When deploying a group of BrightSigns into the field, Roku
strongly recommends that you test the CF card with the
BrightSign software version you will use before deployment, and
insist your CF card duplicator not change CF brands or model
numbers from the model number you have approved.