Send: Allows you to send an unsent message.
Preview: Previews multimedia files attached to the message.
Play: Plays a sound file received with a message.
Call: Makes a call to the message’s originating number.
Resend: Resends the selected message.
Delete: Allows you to delete the selected message or multiple
Replay: Replays an attached audio file.
Forward: Allows you to forward the message to someone.
Extract Address: Provides a list of addresses that appear in the
message. You can press <Options> and select Save to Contacts or
Send Message.
Save to Contacts: Lets you save the number a message was sent from
to your Contact List.
More: Accesses the following options.
Move to Phone/Move to SIM Card:
If a message is stored in the
SIM card, this option transfers it to the phone’s memory. If a
message is stored in the phone’s memory, it is transferred to the
SIM card.
Locking a message prevents it from being deleted.
Save Items:
Lets you save an attached media file to the appropriate
storage folder.
Sort by:
Allows you to sort messages by Date, Read/Unread,
Sender, Type, Size or Subject.
Message Details: Displays the properties of the message (Date, To, Cc,
Bcc, Size, Priority, From, Class).
Sort by: Allows you to sort messages by Date, Recipient, Type, Size,
Lock/Unlock: Locking a message prevents it from being deleted.