
Fido Mall
Go: Lets you navigate Forward (next sequenced web page) or
Backward (to the previously visited web page) through pages in your
browsing history.
Reload: Reloads the current page.
Desktop/Smart-Fit View: Changes the display mode of the browser.
Page Size: Lets change the page size of the displayed web page by
zooming using the Left and Right navigation keys.
Go to Homepage: Takes you back to the homepage of the Wireless
Web service provider.
Add to Favorites: Adds the current page to your Favorites list.
View Favorites: Accesses and displays the bookmarks assigned as
favorite web pages.
Send URL via: Send the URL of the current page via either a message
or to another party via a Bluetooth device.
Copy URL to Message: Send the URL of the current page to another
party as a message.
Save: Saves either the image of the current web page or the current
page itself.
Saved Pages: Access the list of web pages you have saved.
History: Displays a list of web pages you have recently accessed.
Advanced: Allows you to change the following settings for the browser.
Clear Caches: Deletes the information stored in the cache. The
cache stores the most recently accessed pages.
Empty Cookies: Delete cookies. Cookies are pieces of personal
information sent to a web server while navigating the web.
Cookie Options: Sets whether or not cookies are stored on your
phone. If you select Prompt, the phone will ask you whether to save
the cookies on every page requiring cookies.