
Accessing Online Picture Mail Options From Your PCS Phone
1. Select a picture or a video file from your online Picture Mail (see
“Managing Online Picture Mail From Your PCS Phone” on
page 156).
2. Select Options(right softkey) to display options.
3. To select an option, highlight it and press .
Send Videoto send a video file. (See “To send video files by
using your Contacts list” on the previous page for details.)
(Video only.)
Copy/Move to copy/move pictures or video files to a
selected album:
Move This to move the currently highlighted picture or
video file to the album.
Move Selection to move the selected pictures or video
files to the album.
Move All to move all pictures or video files in the current
album (or Uploads)to the target album.
Copy This to copy the currently highlighted picture or
video file to the album.
Copy Selection to move the selected pictures or video files
to the album.
Copy All to copy all pictures or video files in the current
album (or Uploads)to the target album.
Tip:PressNew(right softkey) to copy/move pictures or video files to a new folder.
Download to download the selected picture or video file to
your phone.
Erase to erase pictures saved in the current album (or
Uploads). Select This Picture,Selected Pictures, or
All Pictures. (Picture only.) To erase video files saved in the
current album (or Uploads), select This Video File,
Select. Video Files,or All Video Files. (Video only.)
Edit Caption to edit the caption of a picture or video file.
Picture Info to display information on the selected picture,
such as title,time/date, size,etc. (Picture only.)
Video Infoto display information on the selected video file,
such as caption,time/date, size,etc. (Video only.)
Section 2: Understanding Your PCS Phone
2J: Using Your Phone’s Camera 162