
PCS Ready Link Options
When you use PCS Ready Link,several user options are available by
pressing Options(right softkey). To select an option,highlight it and
press .
Edit to edit a PCS Ready Link number and/or name. See page 39.
Erase to erase a contact.Erase Group appears when you highlight a
Erase R-Link List to erase entries saved in the PCS Ready Link List
(except Company List/Co. Groups).
New Contact to add a new contact. New Groupappears when you
highlight a group list.See page 37 for details.
Copy to copy a contact to the Personal List. Copy Group appears
when you highlight a group. (This option doesn’t appear if the
entry is already in the Personal List or when you select
Personal List/Per. Groups.)
Settings to change the current settings.
Default Viewto select the default PCS Ready Link List when a
PCS Ready Link is launched. You can select from Company
List/Co. Groups,or Personal List/Per. Groups.(The default
setting is Company List.)If you select Company List/
Co. Groups and there is no data in the list,your phone will
display Personal List.
Loudspeaker to set the speakerphone On or Off when
PCS Ready Link call is activated. The default setting is On.
(If the phone’s ringer volume is set Vibrate,Ringer Off,or
Silence All,the speakerphone turns Off. Press to turn
the speakerphone mode On.)
Help to see the PCS Ready Link instruction page.
Note:When you use additional accessories, the volume is fixed as follows.
Speaker/Car Kit:Level 3. Earpiece/Headset:Level 2.
Section 2: Understanding Your PCS Phone
2A:Your PCS Phone – The Basics 34