SATO CX Series Printer
1. Set the WIDTH of the output device to 255 characters to avoid au-
tomatically sending <CR> and <LF> characters after every line.
The command string should be continuous and uninterrupted by
<CR> and/or <LF> commands. The examples given in this ma-
nual are printed on separate lines because they will not fit on
one line and do not contain any <CR> and/or <LF> characters.
If these characters are needed, they are explicitly noted by the
inclusion of <CR> and <LF> notations.
2. If you are using the printer’s RS232 interface, it is necessary to set
the COM port on the PC such that the CTS and DSR signals will
be ignored. Send your OPEN “COM” statement in the following
OPEN “COM1:9600,E,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1
This sets the RS232 communication parameters of the host PC’s COM1 port
for 9600 baud, Even parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit and directing the port to
ignore the CTS and DSR control signals.
3. You may want to minimize keystrokes and program size by assi-
gning the <ESC> character to a string variable since this charac-
ter is used quite often.
The following two examples in BASIC show a typical example using these
hints. Both of these examples use the Standard Protocol codes.
Printing with the Parallel Port
Printing with the Parallel PortPrinting with the Parallel Port
Printing with the Parallel Port
5 REM Parallel Example Identifies the program as a
parallel port print label. The
“REM” prevents this data from
being sent to the printer and
displays it only on the screen.
10 E$=CHR$(27) Sets the “E$” string as an
<ESC> character
20 WIDTH “LPT1:”,255 Sets the width of the output to
255 characters
30 LPRINT E$;"A"; Sends an “<ESC>A” com-
mand code to the LPT1 paral-
lel port
40 LPRINT E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"WL1SATO"; Sends the data “SATO” to be
to be placed 400 dots horizon-
tally and 100 dots vertically on
the label and printed in the
“WL” font.