SATO CX Series Printer
Copy Image Area
Copy Image AreaCopy Image Area
Copy Image Area
Command Structure
aaaa = Horizontal position of the top left corner of the
area to be copied 0001 to 832
bbbb = Vertical position of the top left corner of the
area to be copied 0001 to 1424
cccc = Horizontal length of the image area to be co-
pied0001 to 0832
dddd = Vertical length of the image area to be copied
0001 to 1424
Example: <ESC>WDH0100V0050X0600Y0400
Placement: Anywhere within the data stream, after spe-
cifying the location of the duplicate image.
Default: None
Command Function
To copy an image from one location to another on the same
label. This may be useful for duplicating individual fields or
entire sections of the label with only one command.
Input to Printer: