Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator’s Manual
This option determines how scalable characters are sized.
• Normal - factory default. Normal scaling.
• Block - the scalable characters are made to be the same size as block characters in the old
IGP-X00 printers.
Determines the handling of form.
• Disable - factory default. No effect.
• Auto Eject - automatically ejects a page at the end of the job.
• Auto TOF - automatically does a form feed (FF) at the end of each form to the next top-of-
Determines whether PGL passes the text data in Normal mode or if PGL will print the text itself.
• LP + Menu - factory default. PGL will pass the text data to LP+ only in the default setting
state (6LPI, defualt character set, and font attribute).
• PGL Menu - PGL will always print the text data itself.
Allows printing barcode descenders when human-readable data is not presented in the UPC/
EAN barcodes.
• Always - factory default. UPC/EAN barcodes are printed with descenders, even where there
is not human-readable data.
• Never - UPC/EAN barcodes are printed without descenders if the PDF command is present.
• Only With PDF - UPC/EAN barcodes are printed with descenders only when the PDF
command is presented.
Interleaved 2 of 5. Allows compatibility with special IGP-X00 customizations. Usually, these
barcodes have an odd quantity of digits, a leading zero is inserted in front of the data. However,
this special IGP-X00 customization provides the option of adding a space character at the end of
the barcode instead.
• Leading Zero - factory default. A leading zero is inserted in front of the data.
• Trailing Space - a space is inserted at the end of the data instead of a leading zero.
• X2 DPD - the barcode with a magnification of x2 wil use the specially configured ratios
3:3:6:5 rather than 3:6:9:12 for compatibility issues.
• Modulo 7 CD - the barcode uses a modulo 7 check digit instead of the default module 10
check digit.
Allows the prior metho of decoding C39 alternative character set compatible with the new.
• Enable - factory default. Matches the prior method.
• Disable - uses the current method of decoding.
Allows the user-defined barcode ratio to be ignored and to replace it with the default ratio (X1).
• Enable - factory default. Allows the user-defined barcode ratio.
• Disable - replaces the user-defined ratio.
Adjust the leading and trailing character distance ofPDF for UPC/EAN barcodes.
The allowable range is 0.01 to 0.10 inches in 0.01 increments. the factory default is 0.10 inches.
I-2/5 Selection
Loading Zero*
Lead PDF Dist
0.10 inches*