Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator’s Manual
Is the menu selection screen for the EMUALTION Mode.
This menu determines if the DGL parser will possess all incoming data or pass all data to the
underlying emulation.
• Yes - factory default. DGL is active; processes all DPL commands.
• No - DGL is inactive; the data is processed by the underlying emulation.
Allows selection of the character set desired for the printer to use to inter-operate with the
characters sent from the host system.
There are mulitple languages from which to choose. The factory default is PC-8 CP437.
Allows the Euro character position in the code page to be selected. Select the ASCII character (in
decimal format) desired to represent the Euro character.
The factory default is 128.
Allows the operator to change the software command prefix interpreted by the printer.
When User Defined is selected, five additional submenus are inserted into the menu tree. These
submenus allow the user to set a value for each of the control codes. The default User Defined
values are shown below.
Feedback Characters. Determines if the printer returns aHex 1E (RS) after each label
successfully prints and a Hex 1F (US) after each batch of labels printed.
• Disable - factory default. Feedback characters are not sent to the host.
• Enable - feedback characters are sent to the host.
Sets the default module used to store files when a module is not specifed or the default module is
specifed in the command.
• RAM - factory default. Storage in volatile RAM where the data will be lost when the printer is
powered off.
• Flash - Storage in non-volatile Flash where the data will remain unless actively removed.
DGL Setup
Character Set
Euro Character
Control Codes
FeedBack Chars
Default Module
Units of Measure
Row Offset
Column Offset
Format Attrib.
Error Handling
Vert. DPI Adjust
Length Cmd (STXc)
Heat Cmd (H)
Speed Cmd (P,S)
Cut Cmd (o,:,c)
Soft. Switch (V)
Sensor Cmd (e,r)
Format Attr. (A)
Character Set
PC-8 CP 437*