The Object Dictionary
1606218 02 08/2006
The PDO transmission mode can be configured as described in the table below.
The structure of a COB-ID for CAN2.0 is shown in the following table:
Transfer code Transmission mode Notes
Dec. Hex. Cyclic Acyclic Synchron
RTR only
0 0 x x Send PDO on first SYNC
message following an
1 to 240 1 to F0 x x Send PDO every x SYNC
241 to 251 F1 to FB Reserved -
252 FC x x Receive SYNC message
and send PDO on
Remote Request
253 FD x x Update data and send
PDO on Remote Request
254 to 255 FE to FF x Send PDO on event
(Change of state mode)
Note: For transmission modes corresponding to transfer codes 254 and 255, the
events that trigger a TPDO transmission are:
modification of transported data status,
the Event Timer has elapsed.
Bit No. Value Meaning
31 (MSb) 0 The PDO object exists
1 The PDO object does not exist
30 0 RTR mechanism authorized
1 RTR mechanism not authorized
29 0 11-Bit ID (CAN 2.0A)
28 - 11 0 if bit 29 = 0
10 - 0 (LSb) X Bit 10 - 0 of the identifier