The Object Dictionary
1606218 02 08/2006 163
Inhibit Time
(Sub-index 3)
In the case of PDO transmission (Transmit PDO), the Inhibit Time can be entered in
this 16-bit field. After data has been changed, the PDO sender checks that an Inhibit
Time has expired since the last transmission. A new PDO transmission can only
take place if the Inhibit Time has expired. The Inhibit Time is useful for asynchronous
transmission (transmission mode 255), to avoid overloads on the CANopen bus.
The "Inhibit Time" is a multiple of 100 μs of the value written in sub-index 3 of objects
1800H and 1805H.
The following table gives some examples of values.
Event Timer
(Sub-index 5)
The Event Timer only works in asynchronous transmission mode (transmission
mode 255). If data changes before the Event Timer expires, a TPDO is sent. If a
value higher than 0 is written in the 16-bit field, the TPDO is sent after the Event
Timer expires. The value written in sub-index 5 of objects 1800H and 1805H
corresponds to the Event Timer in milliseconds. The data transfer takes place even
if there is no change to data.
The following table gives some examples of values.
Value Inhibit Time in ms
Dec. Hex.
0000 0000 0
100 0064 10
1000 03E8 100
5000 1388 500
10000 2710 1000
65535 FFFF 6553.5
Value Event Timer in ms
Dec. Hex.
0000 0000 0
100 0064 100
1000 03E8 1000
5000 1388 5000
10000 2710 10000
65535 FFFF 65535