:tions for scroll saw
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- Unplugthe saw.
....... Wait for a mov ng Pads to stop
• : L_UTonlyone worKplece aTa [tme - -'
• Clear eveL=hin exce t the work iece and e ° " • Wt!]afa[badescrewdriver"--
turn motor shaft by hand
ry_ g p p r aTee
support dev ces offthe table before turn ng the saw on. by i,nsertlng into the slotted end of motor shaft located
al tne center oTme motor hOUsing. LJOthis white PaCK-
Plan the way you will hold the workpiece from start to
finish, tng up the workpiece.
Do not hand hold pieces so small that your fingers will go
under the blade guard. Use jigs or fixtures to hold the
work and keep your hands away from the blade ....
SECURE WORK. Use clamps to hold work when practi-
cal. It's often safer than using your hand and frees both
hands tooperate, the too_.
Avoid awkward operations and hand positions where a
sudden slip could cause fingers or hand to move into the
Before removing loose pieces from the table, turn
saw off and wait for all moving parts to stop.
Wait for all moving parts to stop.
Lock the shop or ON/OFF knob_ Store the key away from
children and others not qualified to use the tool
DON'T OVERREACH. Keep good footing and balance.
Keep your face and body to one side of the blade, out of
line with a possible thrown piece if the blade should
WARNING: Don't let familiarity (gained from fre-
quent use of your scroll saw) cause a careless
mistake. A careless fraction of a second is
enough to cause a severe injury,
Before starting your cut, watch the saw while it runs. If it
makes an unfamiliar noise or vibrates a little, stop imme-
diately. Turn the saw off. Unplug the saw. Do not restart
until finding and correcting the problem.
KEEP CHlLDREN AWAY. Keep all visitors a safe dis-
tance from the saw. Make sure bystanders are clear of
the saw and workpiece.
DON'T FORCE TOOL. it will do the job better and safer
at its designed rate. Feed the workpiece into the saw
blade only fast enough to let it cut without bogging down
or binding.
Before freeing any jammed material,
* Turn switch "OFF"
- Remove switch key.
o Unplug the saw.
- Wait for all moving parts to stop.