
Barometer scale
Barometer hand 1
(For indicates between
500 hPa and 1,050 hPa)
Barometer hand 2
(Indicates in 1 hPa increments)
Atmospheric pressure
measurement stop mark
Button C
(5-second interval
measurement mode)
Minute hand
Atmospheric pressure
change indicator
Crown 1
Crown 2
(Selection of the
alarm function)
Altimeter scaleDate
Alarm time (Alarm hour and minute hands)
Button A
(Alarm time adjustment)
24-hour hand
Small second hand
Hour hand
Button B
(Recall of the minimum
atmospheric pressure)
The 24-hour hand can be used in two ways. When setting the time, follow either of the two
procedures below according to the purpose of use.
In either case, it is recommended that the alarm hand setting and barometer hand position
adjustment be also made at the same time as you set the time.
Method 1 To set the 24-hour hand to the
current time of your area (The time is set on a
24-hour basis):
This use is convenient when you travel abroad.
For example, if you live in Japan, set the 24-
hour hand to the current time of Japan. When
you travel abroad, the 24-hour hand shows the
time of Japan, while the time of the place you
visit can be shown by adjusting the hour hand
each time you move to a different time zone.
Method 2 To set the 24-hour hand to the time
of an area in a different time zone:
Set he 24-hour hand to the time of the desired
area in a different time zone, while setting the
hour hand to the current time of your area.
For example, set the 24-hour hand to the
Greenwich Mean Time and the hour hand to
the current time of Japan. The Greenwich
Mean Time can be checked as you desire.
Example of Method 1
Minute hand
Hour hand
(10:00 AM)
24-hour hand
(10:00 AM)
Crown 1
(Setting of the hour, minute, small second, alarm and 24-hour
hands, and adjustment of the barometer hand position)