The alarm time designated for the regular alarm is retained in memory even if the alarm
hour hand is adjusted.
If it is "7:00" and the regular alarm is engaged by pulling out crown “2” to the first click, it will
ring when the alarm hands indicate “7:00”. Newly set the alarm if reguired.
The watch is equipped with an atmospheric pressure sensor.
The watch can measure the atmospheric pressure from 500hPa to 1050hPa in 1hPa
increments. The measured atmospheric pressure is indicated by the two atmospheric
pressure hands.
The watch automatically measure the atmospheric pressure at 10-minute intervals.
To know the current atmospheric pressure, the watch can also be set to measure it at 5-
second intervals.
The atmospheric pressure measured is automatically retained in memory for later recall.
Approximate altitude can be obtained on the basis of the atmospheric pressure measured.
Howto readtheatmospheric pressure
Barometer hand “1” indicates the
measurement above the tens digit.
(It moves in 2 hPa increments.)
Barometer hand “2” indicates the
ones digit of the measurement.
[Ex.1] 1,013hPa