ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[22] ESC & NUL n1 [1B,26,00,n1,n2,a,data] H Defines download character(s).
n2 a data [27,38,0,n1,n2,a,data] D NLQ download character is generated by interpolation.
n1: first code of download character (00-127)
n2: last code of download character (00-127)
[23] ESC (t [1B, 28, 74, n1, n2, d1, d2, d3] H Selects character set
n1 n2 d1 d2 d3 [27, 40, 116, n1, n2, d1, d2, d3] D n1=3, n2=0, and d1=0 or 1
d1=0 : Italic
d1=1 : Graphic
[24] ESC *m n1 n2 [1B,2A,m,n1,n2,data] H Sets various 8 pin graphic mode.
data [27,42,m,n1,n2,data] D The total column number is calculated by
n1 + n2 x 256.
[25] ESC – n [1B,2D,n] H [27,45,n] D Sets or cancels underline.
n=0 : underline is cancelled.
n=1 : underline is set
[26] ESC / c [1B,2F,c] H [27,47,c] D Selects channel (0-7) of vertical tab.
m Graphic Type Number Maximum Horizontal
of Pins Columns Density
0 Standard-density 8 816 60
1 Double-density 8 1632 120
2 Double-speed double-density 8 1632 120
3 Quadruple-density 8 3264 240
4 80 dpi graphics 8 1088 80
5 72 dpi graphics 8 979 72
6 90 dpi graphics 8 1224 90
7 144 dpi graphics 8 1958 144
B. Control code summary (FX)
d2 d3 Character Set d2 d3 Character Set
Italic 15 0 869
1 0 437 63 50 1250
16 437 Greek
63 52 1252
59 0 772 60 0
36 0 774 32 0 Bulgaria
3 0 850 61 0 IBM Russian
4 0 851 27 0 MAZOWIA
10 0 852 28 0 Code MJK
5 0 853 62 0 Hungarian
6 0 855 25 0 BRASCII
11 0 857 26 0 ABICOMP
44 0 858 16 0 USSR GOST
7 0 860 127 1 ISO-8859-1
24 0 861 127 2 ISO-8859-2
8 0 863 29 7 ISO-8859-7
9 0 865 31 0 ISO-8859-9
14 0 866 29 15 ISO-8859-15