
ITEM SYMBOL Hexadecimal Decimal FUNCTION
[52] ESC I n [1B,49,n] H [27,73,n] D Treats unused control codes in the control area as
character codes.
n=0 : Ignores unused control codes
n=1 : treats unused control codes as character codes.
[53] ESC J n [1B,4A,n] H [27,74,n] D n/216" linefeeds after printing (0n255).
[54] ESC K n1 n2 [1B,4B,n1,n2,data] H Prints the 8-pin Standard-density graphics (60 dpi).
data [27,75,n1,n2,data] D The total number of dots in the data is set by
n1 + n2
[55] ESC L n1 n2 [1B,4C,n1,n2,data] H Prints the 8-pin Double-density graphics (120 dpi).
data [27,76,n1,n2,data] D The total number of dots in the data is set by
n1 + n2
[56] ESC M [1B,4D] H [27,77] D Selects Elite (12cpi) mode.
[57] ESC N n [1B,4E,n] H [27,78,n] D Sets skip over perforation (1n127).
n specifies the number of lines to be skipped at the
end of a page.
For example: If the line spacing is 1/6 inch and the page length is 66 lines,
an ESC N 6 command causes the printer to print 60 lines, then skip 6 lines.
The space to be skipped is 1 inch (1/6 inch
[58] ESC O [1B,4F] H [27,79] D Cancels skip over perforation.
[59] ESC P [1B,50] H [27,80] D Selects Pica (10 cpi) mode.
[60] ESC Q n [1B,51,n] H [27,81,n] D Sets right margin at the nth column (1n255)
[61] ESC R n [1B,52,n] H [27,82,n] D Selects International character.
[62] ESC S n [1B,53,n] H [27,83,n] D Selects superscript or subscript character mode.
n=0 : the superscript character mode is set.
n=1 : the subscript character mode is set.
[63] ESC T [1B,54] H [27,84] D Cancels super-/subscript character mode printing.
[64] ESC U n [1B,55,n] H [27,85,n] D
Sets or cancels unidirectional or bidirectional printing
n=0 : unidirectional printing is cancelled.
n=1 : unidirectional printing is set.
[65] ESC W n [1B,57,n] H [27,87,n] D Sets or cancels double width character mode.
n=0 : the double width character mode is cancelled.
n=1 : the double width character mode is set.
n Country Hexadecimal Character Code
23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E
0 U.S.A. #$@[\]ˆ`{|}~
1 FRANCE #$à°ç§ˆ`éùè¨
2 GERMANY #$§ ÄÖ܈`äöüß
3 U.K. £$@[\]ˆ`{|}~
4 DENMARK #$@ÆØň`æøå~
5 SWEDEN #€ÉÄöÅÜéäöåü
6 ITALY #$@°\éˆùàòèì
8 JAPAN #$@[ ]ˆ`{|}~
10 DENMARK 2 #$ÉÆØÅÜèæøåü
11 SPAIN 2 #$á¡Ñ¿é`íñóú
12 LATIN AMERICA #$á¡Ñ¿éüíñóú
13 TURKEY #ıIÇÖSÜgçösü
B. Control code summary (FX)