Appendix B - Windows 95/98/ME ShutDown
Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition must be shut down prior to turning off power. When a
user is at the computer, the user can perform the necessary shutdown by selecting Shut Down from the Start menu on the
task bar. With Remote Power On/Off, the user is not at the computer, and consequently may not be able to perform the
necessary shutdown prior to the power being turned off.
To solve this problem, Server Technology introduced the Power On/Off +Aux ShutDown/
REBOOT for Windows 95,
model #PP03. This version contains modified firmware, an IPM/ShutDown signal Y-cable, a serial and parallel port
adapter, and custom software. These allow Remote Power On/Off to signal Windows 95/98/ME to shut down prior to
turning power off. The Y-cable connects the Remote Power On/Off to the IPM and also to either a serial or parallel port
on the Windows 95/98/ME system. The software for Windows 95/98/ME (AutoShutDown.Exe) then monitors the serial
or parallel port for the signal from the Remote Power On/Off to shut down the operating system. The Power On/Off
+Aux ShutDown/
REBOOT unit will signal a shutdown to occur one (1) minute before power is turned off or a REBOOT
cycle is started.
This appendix describes the cabling, the functional changes to the Remote Power On/Off, and the AutoShutDown
software for Windows 95/98/ME. This Appendix supplements the previous sections in this guide with additional
information related to the Windows 95/98/ME shut down features of the model #PP03 Remote Power On/Off.
IPM/ShutDown Signal Y-cable
A custom Y-cable accompanies the Windows 95/98/ME ShutDown version of the Power On/Off +Aux. This cable
replaces the "IPM Signal Cable" described on page 10 and shown on page 14.
This Y-cable serves two purposes - 1) to signal the IPM to turn power on or off, and 2) to signal the AutoShutDown
software for Windows 95/98/ME to attempt a shut down of the operating system. The cable has a Y-configuration,
meaning that one end of the cable splits off to two other ends, like the lines of the letter "Y". This Y-cable connects to
the back of the Power On/Off +Aux unit into the IPM Port, and then splits off with one end going to the Intelligent Power
Module and the other end going to a ShutDown adapter attached to either a serial or parallel port on the system running
Windows 95/98/ME.
Because it is very important that the correct ends of the Y-cable go to the IPM and to the ShutDown adapter, the Y-cable
is color keyed on the two individual ends. The blue end connects into the side of the IPM, while the red end connects
into either the serial port or parallel port ShutDown adapter.
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