Appendix D - Upgrade Kits
Server Technology offers three distinct versions of Remote Power On/Off +Aux: 1) Model #PP02, a non-shutdown
version ideal for use with systems or devices that do not require an orderly shut down; 2) Model #PP03, a ShutDown-
equipped version capable of attempting an orderly shut down of Microsoft's Windows 95/95/ME; 3) Model #PPNT, a
ShutDown-equipped version capable of attempting an orderly shut down of Microsoft's Windows NT/2000/XP.
Server Technology introduced its original Power-On product in early 1990, but it was not until early 1993 that the third-
generation "+Aux" model was released. At that time, Microsoft's DOS and Windows 3.1 were the dominant operating
systems. Neither required an orderly shut down, and the non-shutdown "+Aux" model PP02 was the only available
version. In late 1995, after Microsoft's release of Windows 95, Server Technology introduced the model PP03. Shortly
thereafter, following Microsoft's Windows NT v3.51, Server Technology released the model PPNT.
As many users of the original PP02, and even the PP03, have subsequently progressed to newer Microsoft operating
systems over time, the need for orderly shut down has been introduced or has changed from a Win95/98/ME need to that
of WinNT/2000/XP. In response, Server Technology has created several upgrade kits that allow the Power On/Off +Aux
control unit to be converted to an alternate model. Contact Server Technology's Sales Department at 1-800-835-1515 for
further information, including pricing, or to place an order.
Available Upgrade Kits
• Part #PP05-0-1: Upgrade kit to convert a Power On/Off +Aux model PP02 (non-ShutDown) to a model PP03
(with Windows 95/98/ME ShutDown support).
Items in kit: AutoShutdown v1.05 diskette (3 ½" floppy), custom Y-cable, 9-pin serial port ShutDown adapter,
25-pin parallel port ShutDown adapter, RJ-type Loopback Test Plug, "C795" upgrade ROM for the Power
On/Off +Aux control unit, and a stick-on label for the bottom of the unit.
• Part #NTUP-0-1: Upgrade Kit to convert a Power On/Off +Aux model PP02 (non-ShutDown) to a model
PPNT (with Windows NT/2000/XP ShutDown support).
Items in kit: Custom Y-cable, "NT/NW' serial port ShutDown adapter, RJ-type Loopback Test Plug, "C7NT"
upgrade ROM for the Power On/Off +Aux control unit, and a stick-on label for the bottom of the unit.
• Part #NTUP-0-2: Upgrade Kit to convert a Power On/Off +Aux model PP03 (with Windows 95/98/ME
ShutDown) to a model PPNT (with Windows NT/2000/XP ShutDown support).
Items in kit: "NT/NW" serial port ShutDown adapter, RJ-type Loopback Test Plug, "C7NT" upgrade ROM for
the Power On/Off +Aux control unit, and a stick-on label for the bottom of the unit.
Remote Power On/Off Appendix D | Upgrade Kits • 59