C H A P T E R 2
Writingor drawinginapplicationswithSMARTInk
11 smarttech.com/kb/170578
2. Do oneof the following:
Press Area Capture , and then dragyour cursorover the area you want to capture.
Press Window Capture , andthen select the window you want to capture.
Press Full Screen Capture .
Press Freehand Capture , and then drag your cursor over the area you want to capture.
To save your ink notes as an object in another application
1. Select theink notes.
A border appears around the ink notes.
Press the arrow on the border.
A Copy, Cut and Delete menu appears.
3. Press Copy.
4. Go to the application where youwant to insert your ink notes, andthen paste yourink notes.
Your ink notes appear as an object.
Converting handwriting to text
Youcan write with SMARTInk, andthen convert your writing to text. Forexample, youcan write over
your browser, andthen insert the ink as text in thebrowser’s search field.
To convert handwriting to text
1. Select theink notes you want to convert.
A border appears around your notes.