C H A P T E R 3
Writingor drawingonthedesktopwithSMARTInkNotes
14 smarttech.com/kb/170578
To move a SMARTInk Note
Press and hold the title bar, and then drag thenote to a new location.
To resize aSMARTInk Note
Press and hold the bottom-right corner of the note, and then drag it.
To change the background transparency of aSMARTInk Note
Press .
SMARTInk tools appear.
2. Select thebackground you want.
Manipulating objects in SMARTInk Notes
Youcan select, move and delete objects that you create in SMARTInk Notes.
To select an object in aSMARTInk Note
Press the object once.
A border appears around the object.
If you press another object, the selection border expands to includeit.
To move an object in a SMARTInk Note
1. Select theobject.
Press and hold Move on theborder, and then drag the object to a new location in the note.