
Network Connections
When the CyberGuard SG appliance is in bridged mode, it will not be performing
NAT/masquerading. PCs will typically use an IP address on the network connected to
the CyberGuard SG appliance’s Internet port as their gateway, rather than the
CyberGuard SG appliance itself.
Failover Direct/Cable/ADSL Internet
Refer to the section entitled Internet Failover in this chapter.
With a modem attached, the COM (serial) port can be configured as a primary Dialout
Internet connection, to provide Dialin Access for remote users, or as a secondary
Failover Dialout Internet connection that will be activated when your primary Internet
connection becomes unavailable (e.g. ISP equipment or the telecommunications network
may temporarily fail).
Physically connect modem device
Attach the modem serial cable to the CyberGuard SG appliance’s serial port (COM1).
To connect to an ISDN line, the CyberGuard SG appliance requires an intermediate
device called a Terminal Adapter (TA). A TA connects into your ISDN line and has either
a serial or Ethernet port that is connected to your CyberGuard SG appliance. Do not plug
an ISDN connection directly in to your CyberGuard SG appliance.
Dialout Internet
Select Dialout Internet to use this port as your primary Internet connection. A page
similar to the following figure will be displayed.