F4 Cancel
Press the Cancel key to cancel or reweigh individual pieces. After pressing the Cancel key, you are
requested to load the scale either with the weight you want to cancel or to type in the consecutive
number of the weight you want to cancel.
For information about the consecutive number, press the key combination Info and F5 Plus.
Type in the consecutive number of the piece you want to cancel into the numerical keypad and confirm
by pressing F6 Accept.
If you do not type in a consecutive number, the scale accepts the weight value when you press F6.
An error message appears if the scale is not loaded.
Cancelling or reweighing are identified on the printout by the description Cancel.
For a cancellation, the consecutive number in incremented by one; the piece counter is decremented
by one. If the piece counter is at 0, no further cancellation is possible and error message Error 48 is
F3 Total
Press the Total key to complete the totalising operation.
The display then shows the gross, tare, net and piece totals, and the piece counter and consecutive
number of the last operation.
3.2.5 Selection options for total display
Setting mode function of Total key, description of function in the manual.
- Display, print and clear total.
- Only display totals.
3.2.6 Clip off factor when totalising
(no function when batching)
In Setting mode, you can define (see manual) whether the scale must be clipped off each time you
place an individual piece by 1 to 30 increments.
If the scale is not clipped off, the weight unit is not accepted in the total memory. This prevents opera-
tions such as double counting of a piece.
3.2.7 Automatic totalising
See the description of the function in the CD manual.
3.2.8 Assigning and clearing the consecutive number
Every input (Plus, Manual, Cancel) in the total memory is assigned a 4-digit consecutive number.
The consecutive number is reset to the factory setting when the total memory is cleared.
Optionally, you can default resetting the consecutive number in Setting mode:
- deactivated (no reset = factory setting).
- when the Clear Total key is pressed.
- When the appliance is switched off.
- Function key "Clear consec. no."
Ba_3030_GB_neu.qxd 04.12.2006 11:01 Seite 20