Saving the new fixed value
Press F1 New.
The memory location number is assigned by the appliance. The first figure in brackets indicates the
number of free memory locations; the second figure shows the memory locations occupied by fixed tare
values. The Description parameter is marked. Call by pressing F6 Edit. Type in the value using the
numerical/alphanumeric keypad. Confirm the input by pressing F6 (clear without accepting the input by
pressing F5 Cancel). You can edit other parameters in the same way.
Exiting the Fixed Value list
Press F5 Back to exit the list.
b) Calling the list of fixed value check weights for checking
Press the F2 Check Fixed in Level 1 Checking Functions. The display shows the last fixed
value called.
Selecting from the list.
- Browse using the arrow keys. Call the required fixed value by pressing F6 Accept.
- Call directly by typing in the article number or memory location number.
Type in the article number or memory location number into the numerical keypad.
The choice of article number or memory location number is defined in Setting mode (see manual).
When a fixed value is called, the reference quantity and tolerances for quantity checking are also
accepted, provided these two parameters were also saved.
Switching points for checking
See the description of the function in the CD manual.
Data record/Printout within or outside the tolerance
You can inhibit or accept release of a data record if it is outside a specific tolerance band.
If a data record is released outside a tolerance, it is marked by a special character.
The function is released or inhibited in Setting mode (see CD manual).
3.4.5 Totalising and batching
Functions as in 3.2 Totalising and Batching.
3.4.6 Display options with the Info key
When you press the Info key, you have the following options:
F1 Tare Fixed = Displays saved fixed tare values.
F2 Ref Fixed = Displays the saved reference weights.
F3 Quant. Check = Displays the current setpoint with tolerance.
F4 Total = Displays the current content of the total memory.
F5 Plus = Displays all the current pieces in the total memory.
Tare key = Displays the current tare weight.
Ba_3030_GB_neu.qxd 04.12.2006 11:02 Seite 32