Configuring Client Backup Policies
SonicWALL CDP 6.0 Agent User’s Guide
Viewing a CDP Schedule Object
A default CDP schedule object is inherited from the SonicWALL CDP appliance. It uses Interval
scheduling rather than Event scheduling. Only the Day Interval tab of the Edit Schedule Object
interface is used. You can view the default CDP schedule object, but cannot change it.
To view the default CDP schedule object:
Step 1 In the SonicWALL CDP Agent User Interface, click the Policies tab.
Step 2 In the left pane, click Schedules.
Step 3 In the right pane, click the Edit button to the right of the CDP schedule object name. The
Edit Schedule window opens.
Step 4 On the Day Interval tab under Enable Day Interval, the number of days for the interval
between backups is defined. For example, if you see 1, the backups will occur daily; if you see
2, the backups will occur every other day.
Step 5 In the Start on field, the start date is defined. By default, the interval is calculated from the
current date.
Step 6 Under Select Time, to back up the files at any time that a change occurs, the Always On radio
button is selected. To back up changed files only during a specific time range, the Interval radio
button is selected and the Start at and End at fields are set.
Step 7 Click Cancel. The OK button is disabled.