Backing Up Server Applications
SonicWALL CDP 6.0 Agent User’s Guide
Configuration on a 64-bit Machine
To configure the Exchange admin user on a 64-bit machine: (MS Windows 2003/2008 and MS
Exchange 2007), perform the following steps:
Step 1 Create a user in ‘Active Directory User and Computer’ in the Domain Controller (DC) computer
(such as cdpAdmin).
Step 2 Add this user (cdpAdmin) to the group ‘Backup Operator’.
Step 3 On the MS Exchange machine, access the Microsoft Exchange Shell by going to Start >
Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell.
Step 4 To set the Exchange View Only Administrator role, type the command in the following format:
add-exchangeadministrator <service_account_name> -role ViewOnlyAdmin
An example of this command is:
add-exchangeadministrator cdpAdmin -role ViewOnlyAdmin
Step 5 To set the Send As, Receive As, and Administer Information Store permissions, type the
following command:
get-mailboxserver <server_name> | add-adpermission -user
<service_account_name> -accessrights GenericRead, GenericWrite
-extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin
• <server_name> is the Microsoft Exchange 2007 server name
• <service_account_name> is the user account created in step 1 (cdpAdmin)
An example of this command is:
get-mailboxserver win2k3ee | add-adpermission -user cdpAdmin -accessrights
GenericRead, GenericWrite -extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As,
Step 6 This step only applies if your MS Exchange server is installed on a non-Domain Controller
server. On the MS Exchange server machine, to give login access to the cdpAdmin user, add
the cdpAdmin user to the local Backup Operators group by performing the following steps:
a. Navigate to Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users and
Groups, and right-click on the Backup Operators group.
b. Select Add to Group and click on the domain user cdpAdmin.
Step 7 Log out of the MS Exchange server machine and then log back in as the cdpAdmin user.
Step 8 Open the SonicWALL CDP Agent User Interface and configure authentication for MS
Exchange – User Mailbox with the following credentials:
User: Domain\user (yourDomain\cdpAdmin)
Password: password for user cdpAdmin