Using Mobile Connect | 22
Disconnect Command Parameters
Callback URL
While invoking Mobile Connect using a URL, a third party application can include a callback
URL that is called by Mobile Connect once it completes the requested action. The callback URL
value may also contain special tokens that will be evaluated and dynamically replaced by
Mobile Connect to provide additional status and connection information back to the app that is
opened by the callback URL. Tokens are evaluated in place, in the same order in which the
tokens were specified.
To ensure that it functions properly, the base callback URL format should be RFC 1808
compliant and should be able to be launched independently of Mobile Connect. For example it
should launch through a web page or iOS web clip.
URL: <scheme>://<net_loc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
The value of callbackurl must also be properly URL encoded to ensure that Mobile Connect
can process the callback URL correctly.
Dynamic Tokens Supported by the Callback URL
Any number of tokens from the table above can be specified.
Command Parameter Description
Optional: The callback URL is opened by Mobile Connect after the
disconnect command has been processed. See
Disconnect Command
on page 21 for full details of the callback URL syntax and options.
Dynamic Token Description
The string value of the error message from the failed connec-
tion attempt.
The string value of the authentication login group or realm.
Applies to EX series connections only.
The string value of authentication community. Applies to EX
series connections only.
The string value of EPC zone. Applies to EX series connec-
tions only.
The string value of the Mobile Connect IPv4 client address.
One of split, split-nonlocal, redirectall, or redirectall-nonlocal
depending on the tunnel mode. Applies to SRA and UTM con-
nections only.
Yes, or no depending on if ESP is enabled. Applies to SRA
and UTM connections only.