29 | SonicWALL Mobile Connect for Android User Guide
File Policies
On Android, server-configured policies control whether a file can be opened in a third-party app
or securely cached on the device.
For example, if a file has the Allow Open In policy disabled, the file cannot be viewed on an
Android device. Mobile Connect launches third-party apps to view all file types, so the Allow
Open in policy must be enabled to view a file.
Application Access Control
Mobile Connect 3.1 supports the Application Access Control feature in Dell Secure Mobile
Access 11.0 and higher on E-Class SRA appliances. Application Access Control allows remote
access administrators to control exactly which resources on the corporate network each
application (app) can access. Meanwhile, the device owner can still use their personal Android
device for their own activities such as personal email, financial data, pictures, music, accessing
third party web sites, etc.
If the E-Class SRA administrator has configured this feature, you will log in to a Login Group
that allows a list of trusted apps to access corporate resources. The specific version of each
app is included in the configuration. The Application Access Control rule list controls:
• Which applications can send data through the VPN tunnel
• Which destinations on the corporate network those applications are allowed to access