Using Virtual Assist
SonicWALL SSL VPN 5.0 User Guide
Inviting Customers by Email
Step 1 To invite a customer to Virtual Assist, use the email invitation form on the left of the Virtual
Assist window. If it is not displayed, click the Invite button in the toolbar.
Note Customers who launch Virtual Assist from an email invitation can only be assisted by the
technician who sent the invitation. Customers who manually launch Virtual Assist can be
assisted by any technician.
Step 2 Enter the customer’s email address in the Customer E-mail field.
Step 3 Optionally, enter Technician E-mail to use a different return email address than the default
technician email. Some mail servers require that an email address be entered, and that it be on
a valid domain.
Step 4 Optionally, enter an Additional Message to the customer.
Step 5 Click Invite. The customer will receive an email with an HTML link to launch Virtual Assist.
Customers requesting assistance will appear in the Assistance Queue, and the duration of time
they have been waiting will be displayed.
Assisting Customers
A pop-up window in the bottom right task bar alerts the technician when a customer is in the
assistance queue. The customer queue is also displayed in the Service window.
Step 1 Double-click on a customer’s user name to begin assisting the customer.