Using Virtual Assist
SonicWALL SSL VPN 5.0 User Guide
Step 2 The customer’s entire desktop is displayed in the bottom right window of the Virtual Assist
The technician now has complete control of the customer’s keyboard and mouse. The customer
can see all of the actions that the technician performs.
During a Virtual Assist session, the customer is not locked out of their computer. Both the
technician and customer can control the computer, although this may cause confusion and
consternation if they both attempt “to drive” at the same time.
The customer has a small tool bar in the bottom right of their screen, with three options.
The customer has the following options during a Virtual Assist session:
• Trusted/Active - Toggles to the View Only mode, where the technician can view the
customer’s computer but cannot control the computer.
• Chat - Initiates a chat window with the technician.
• End Virtual Assist - Terminates the session.