– 37 –
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Function
1 VDD – Power supply terminal (+3.3V)
2 SWDT I Write data signal input from the system controller (IC600)
3 SCK I Serial clock signal input from the system controller (IC600)
4 XLAT I Serial latch signal input from the system controller (IC600)
5 SRDT O/Z Read data signal output to the system controller (IC600)
6 SENSE O/Z Internal status (SENSE) output to the system controller (IC600)
7 SMDO I Serial command control mode input from the system controller (Fixed at “H”)
8 SMDI I Serial command control mode input from the system controller (Fixed at “H”)
9 XINT O Interruption status output to the system controller (IC600)
10 RCPB I Record/playback selection signal input (Fixed at “L”)
11 WRMN I Write/monitor mode selection signal input from the system controller (Fixed at “L”)
12 TX I
Writing data transmission timing input from the system controller
Used together with the magnetic field head ON/OFF output (Fixed at “L”)
13 VSS – Ground terminal
14 SICK I Chip reserve terminal (Fixed at “H”)
15 IDSL I Chip reserve terminal (Fixed at “H”)
16 XILT I Chip reserve terminal (Fixed at “H”)
17 XRST I Reset signal input from the system controller (IC600) When reset : “L”
18-21 TS0-TS3 I Test input terminal (Fixed at “L”)
22 EXIR I Chip reserve terminal (Fixed at “L”)
23 SASL I Single use the block selection “L” : ATRAC, “H” : RAM controller (Fixed at “L”)
24 SGL I Normally fixed at “L”, Fixed at “H” when the ATRAC or RAM controller is single used (Fixed at “L”)
25 VSS – Ground terminal
Record/playback mode signal output terminal of the ATRAC or external audio block
Not used this set (OPEN)
27 XRQ I/O XRQ signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
28 ADTO I/O Decoder data signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC Not used this set (OPEN)
29 ADTI I/O Encoder data signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC Not used this set (OPEN)
30 XALT I/O Data ready and XALT signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
31 ACK I/O ACK signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
32 AC2 I/O Error data signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
33 LCHST I/O Lch Start data signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
34 EXE I/O EXE signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
35 MUTE I/O MUTE signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
36 OSCO O 45.1584MHz clock oscillation output
37 OSCI I 45.1584MHz clock oscillation input
38 VSS – Ground terminal
39 ATT I/O ATT signal input/output terminal of the ATRAC interface Not used this set (OPEN)
40 F86 O 11.6msec timing signal output terminal of the ATRAC block Not used this set (OPEN)
41 DOUT O Monitor/audio decode data signal output to the D/A converter (IC550)
42 ADIN I Recording data signal input Not used this set (Fixed at “L”)
43 ABCK O Bit clock signal output Not used this set (OPEN)
44 ALRCK O L/R clock signal output to the D/A converter (IC550)
45-47 SA2-SA0 O Address signal output Not used this set (OPEN)
48, 49 A11,A10 O Address signal output Not used this set (OPEN)