– 40 –
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Function
56 LIMIT-SW I Detection signal input from the limit switch (S400) When sled limit in : "L"
57 DOOR-SW I Detection signal input from the door open/close switch (S620) When open : "L"
58 MD-LAT O Serial latch signal output to RF AMP (IC100), CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
Reset signal output to RF AMP (IC100), CXD2535CR (IC200) and CXD2536CR (IC500)
When reset "L"
60 BU-IN I Battery detection signal input
61 BUS-ON I BUS-ON detection signal (serial communications) input BUS ON : “L”
Sub-code Q sync (SCOR) input from CXD2535CR (IC200)
"L" every 13.3msec, Almost "H"
63 STR-SW I Detection signal input from the STOP switch (S600)
64 FOK I Focus OK signal input from CXD2435CR (IC200) "H" is input when the focus is applied
65 MD-ON O Power control signal output (Servo system) Power ON : "H"
66 EMPH-O O Deemphasis control signal output to the D/A converter (IC550) Deemphasis ON "L"
67 A-MUT O Audio mute signal output When mute : "H"
68 N.C. O Not used (OPEN)
69 CLOCK O Clock signal output for test mode indication Not used this set (OPEN)
70 DATA O Data signal output for test mode indication Not used this set (OPEN)
71 TM-ON/OFF I Test mode set up terminal Normolly :"H" When test mode : "L"
72 VDD – Power supply terminal (+5V)
73 N.C. – Not used (Fixed at "H")
74 TO0 O Test key (4x8 matrix) signal output terminal (OPEN)
75 TO1 O Test key (4x8 matrix) signal output terminal (OPEN)
76 TO2 O Test key (4x8 matrix) signal output terminal (OPEN)
77 TO3 O Test key (4x8 matrix) signal output terminal (OPEN)
78 TI0 I Test key (4x8 matrix) signal input terminal (Fixed at "L")
79 TI1 I Test key (4x8 matrix) signal input terminal (Fixed at "L")
80 TI2 I Test key (4x8 matrix) signal input terminal (Fixed at "L")
*1 Elevator motor (M904) control
M1 pin 6 "H" "L"
M1 pin 7 "L" "H"
*2 Loading motor (M903) control
IN OUT Brake
M2 pin 8 "L" "H" "H"
M2 pin 9 "H" "L" "H"