
Set ting the line cle ar time
Press the chan ge-over key and
then the ar row key.
The line cle ar time which was last se lec ted ap pe ars in the dis play.
0-99 se conds may be set for the line cle ar time.
If no line cle ar val ve has been in stal led en ter “0".
3.4. In iti al con vey ing ope ra tions
Me tal sha vings may be in si de the pipe from cut ting down pi pes into lengths. The se are pul led du -
ring the first con vey ing pro cess and col lec ted in the se pa ra tor.
This ma te ri al should not be used again.
3.5. Swit ching off the unit
Dis con nect the unit from mains supp ly by the de vi ce plug.
Put ting into ope ra ti on 3-5