5.2.2. Ad ju sting the flap switch
Re mo ve the con nec ting plug “flap switch”
from the con nec ti on hou sing of the hop -
Con nect an ohm me ter to PINS 2 and 3 of
the con nec ting plug “flap switch”.
Re lea se the nuts (A) of the flap switch (B)
un til the sup port can be dis pla ced.
Open the out let flap (C) so far that the front
tip of the out let flap is ap prox. 30 mm (1.2")
away from the sea ling sur fa ce.
Dis pla ce the flap switch (B) un til the con -
tact of the mag net switch is clo sed.
Tighten the nuts (A) of the flap switch.
Check the ad just ment:
In case of free han ging out let flap (emp ty
hop per loa der) the con tact of the mag net
switch must be clo sed.
If the out let flap can not be pro per ly ad jus ted, re pla ce the flap switch or the out let flap with mag net.
In stall the hop per.
Or der num bers
switch with plug: ID 29570
out let flap with mag net: ID 28647
Ma in ten an ce 5-5
Out let flap