3.1. Method of func tion ing
The sin gle con veyor unit works ac cord ing to the
venturi prin ci ple. An ex ter nal com pressed-air
sup ply is needed.
A venturi me ter (A) is in te grated in the in jec tor
tube. The venturi me ter as pi rates the ma te rial in
the lower part of the tube (C) and then con veys
the ma te rial into the con veyor hop per by means
of com pressed air in the up per part (B). In the
hop per loader, the ma te rial is sep a rated from the
The fill ing level in the con veyor hop per is mon i -
tored and con trolled by means of a level probe.
3.2. Con trol and main te nance unit
The unit is switched on and off at the con trol and main te nance unit.
On the pres sure re ducer, the op er at ing pres -
sure is ad justed. A wa ter sep a ra tor is in te -
SSV 05/R
Func tional de scrip tion 20